Highlighting the errors and warnings in the ST-editor

  • While entering the code, you recognize errors by icon  on the left edge. Warnings are highlighted by icon . The faulty term is also underlined in red (if it is an error) or in yellow (if it is a warning). If you move the mouse pointer over the icon or the underlined term, a message details the error or the warning.

  • The marker  or  for the parent objects in the project explorer assists you to find the error or warning even faster. 

  • Messages in Problems view inform about all errors and warnings in the already saved code. Double-click a message to go to the error or warning in the ST-editor.

Corrective action: Correct all errors in the code and save the object. See Errors in ST for solutions to eliminate the specific error.

See FAQ-article "How to remove the error icon for correct ST-code?" for a special scenario where the icon  is still displayed after the error has been corrected.

Use Quick Fix and Content Assist to correct the code more quickly:

  • If icon  is visible for the errors, you might want to use Quick Fix to quickly resolve the found errors. 

  • You might want to use Content Assist to enter the correct content more quickly.

In order to quickly navigate between several errors within the editor, you can use the keyboard shortcuts Ctr+. and Ctrl+, to go to next or previous error. In an active editor with errors, you can also use the commands Next Annotation and Previous Annotation provided in the menu Navigate or in the context menu below Navigate.